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Showing posts from March, 2012

Sleep Less or Sleepless ?

Hey friends! Just got back from unreasonably heavy lunch and trying to beat my post-lunch sleepy thoughts. I realized the ordeals of sleep and thought, will post few lines on some random thoughts, so that I can deviate from this sleep infested mindset. Might sound very insensible idea of overcoming this sleepy status, but it is truly a herculean  task , at least  for the coming 2 hours at least.   In this process of overcoming my sleep orientation, I have been trying recall some random thoughts and ideas, precisely on the best times of fun I had in my life. Now look at the irony, the pleasant thoughts and ideas give a person a soothing and relaxing time (both physical and psychological) which is more or less a gate pass for a sound sleep. I began questioning myself, what was I doing in situations like these before beginning my professional stint and here goes my response without wasting a nanosecond. Simple, bunk my sessions and hit the sack.   ...

Wikipedia, Please Marry Her!

                                                       (Image Courtesy: Google Images) Hey friends! Been some time I crawled back into the blog, and truly missing Coffee, Smokes and Laughs not just online, but in my everyday life too. Now it doesn’t mean that I am going through too many ordeals or hassles, but was little occupied with my work commitments. Today, I somehow decided that I should try to share few good laughs and make people a little more relaxed and rejuvenate their energy levels. One may wonder what I am up to that is making me so very busy. Actually, few friends of mine have already aske...

Breitbart R.I.P.

(Image Courtesy: Google Images) A bad news post to begin the day when one comes to about the demise of Andrew Breitbart, a renowned conservational activist and also is regarded as a vociferous voice amongst the Republican nexus. Man! Don’t know why such nice personalities who have been a learning encyclopedia for countless of people and above all, a strong source of inspiration, die so early. Come to think of it, death at 43 years of age is truly not wanted as this the significant phase of life that gives one gets an opportunity to watch their seeds prospering, be it their fortune or their family. Since the time I picked up writing as one of the most crucial activities of life, a job rather, I have had couple of opportunities to come across Andrew Breitbart’s columns and trust me, it has been few of the good reads. Having been exposed to web news module companies and digital marketing space, the growth and establishment of Breitb...