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I can’t forget to love you more Although, the relationship has gone sore I wait for a new day with a new hope Only to see, that you would hold my hand without a mope I wanted to see a dream with you every night That has us in love and wooing you like a knight All I yearned for, was a life with you Never thought you would choose to be on a different skew All those sublime talks and moments Stand as nothing but glorious testaments I really would like to recall those stories once again But damn! You chose to forget and abstain I hoped you would breathe my love always Not once I thought, it would be belittled to grim and haze For you to laugh and cry, I wanted to be your shoulder All I see now is, I am burning into a smoulder

Storm Within

Turbulent emotion just raked in Pains me a lot as it is aching I honestly do not know the reasons for fury Eventually, the relationship went awry Inside my heart, I am screaming I did no mistake Yet, I had to be at the end of forsake No matter what I say now, it doesn't mend Neither these thick emotions will suspend Peace and happiness have been my anthem But life had given me an unexpected numb Not sure how deep it is, as I really cannot fathom I hope someday I can pull my energies to overcome I am not advocating on what you should perceive Certainly, I neither deceive nor my attitude is heave Whether you talk to me or not is your choice After all these years, this pain certainly will pierce. Image Courtesy: Google Images