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Showing posts from October, 2017

Business Disorders

This probably is the quickest time ever, I’ve come back to this blog with a new post. I really love commuting the long distance to work every day.  Are you thinking I commute in a chopper every day to work? Nah! Neither I own a business to afford one nor have any fortunes behind. In fact, it is not for any random Joe and I am no different. Despite the stressful traffic, I enjoy it primarily for reading the advertisement hoardings/billboards during my commute. They are crisp, direct and engaging besides being creative and innovative. So, no reason for me to ignore it and I find it more interesting than IPL.  The other day, I came across two billboards almost overlapped on each other. One is about a branded spectacle frames and lenses boasting their best range of products with super discounts. The immediately overlapping board was about Lasik Surgery. For a second I was taken aback that both these are right next to each other. I slowed down to reconfirm and realized damn