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Business Disorders

This probably is the quickest time ever, I’ve come back to this blog with a new post. I really love commuting the long distance to work every day.  Are you thinking I commute in a chopper every day to work? Nah! Neither I own a business to afford one nor have any fortunes behind. In fact, it is not for any random Joe and I am no different.

Despite the stressful traffic, I enjoy it primarily for reading the advertisement hoardings/billboards during my commute. They are crisp, direct and engaging besides being creative and innovative. So, no reason for me to ignore it and I find it more interesting than IPL. 

The other day, I came across two billboards almost overlapped on each other. One is about a branded spectacle frames and lenses boasting their best range of products with super discounts.
The immediately overlapping board was about Lasik Surgery. For a second I was taken aback that both these are right next to each other. I slowed down to reconfirm and realized damn, I read it right. However, these two remained in my mind for very long time.
Few thoughts shot my mind, firstly the spectacle brand says get best, classy, stylish frames, while the immediate ones persuades to get rid of spectacles through Lasik surgery.
I could not understand, why these billboards were placed right next to each other as both could dent each other badly, confusing the customers.

On the flip side, an elementary logic explains that it is the businesses that are busy in creating the need, making people experience only to become a full-time addicts. By the time the customers are settled with one of the choices, they are being pushed to another (looks like the immigrants being kicked out) which says, “Hey, come here and use this, otherwise come here and use this. They do not have options either.
Many times in the advertisements it is shown as using spectacles is very old and the customers too succumb to this thought. The customers are forced make up their mind to get rid of spectacles only to accept the pop up advertisement that says “Visit us for Lasik Surgery or Buy Contact Lens from us.”
Poor customers after a dilly dally of thoughts, when they decide on Lasik, another advertisement pops up saying “use our brand frames to get that sporty and young look.”
This is the perfect unwanted confusion and one wouldn’t want to experience. Their confused mindset whether to get rid of spectacles for good or buy “sporty”, “best frames” is the best moment for businesses to capitalize maximum money. Not to forget, either of it are going to be extremely expensive.
Meanwhile, runs another product which is “Buy Contact Lens today” to get rid of spectacles. Now this can become even more confusing, as the same brand that sells spectacles is also selling lens, both at a sky rocketing price. In the pretext of catering myriad options, the buyers are suffocated with too many options, resulting in defeated core objectives.
Consolidating all these, at times, I feel that a consumer is merely a mannequin for brands to showcase their offerings, as they not only rub their catalogue but also make them feel as if they are naked, if not used.
With increasing budgets and compromises, the buyers are not just entering into the pandemonium but also becoming sample testers for something that doesn’t require in the first place.
Irony is that, a particular hoarding shouts on buying their frames and lenses that make them look young and sporty, while the other hoarding screams on opting for Lasik surgery to get rid of spectacles forever. The third dimension screeches on contact lenses making the consumers pay astronomically high prices.
Interestingly, the fundamental purpose of improved vision is gone into the shambles, as it is replaced by unimportant adjectives like sporty, funky, stylish etc. Not just this, the customers are further squeezed with irrational keywords like ‘confidence’, ‘successful’ and ‘dynamic’ etc.
If just this catalogue alone can make an individual confident, successful and dynamic, the concepts of behavioural and personality development can be a legendary fall.
Who is getting benefitted here? The product and service brands, credit card companies, the advertising agencies or the doctors who are eventually treating these consumers for their confused and addictive buying behaviours.
Lastly, buyers are only the sample testers and catch phrases like, “Feel Good Experience”, “Experience Luxury” etc. are only sugar coats. Prepare for the rip and eventually R.I.P.
God Bless the Planet

(Image Courtesy: Google Images)


  1. Ananth, as usual superb. loved reading this. keep posting.

  2. as a matter of fact, I am in the first stage(recently got a spectacles under 'Frame Free - Pay only for Lens' offer) buyer, and have been flooded with more offers eventually.

    One of the Brand even sent an offer(through Email) to open my own Brand retail store in my locality.

    Anyways, As always.. enjoyed your writing.

  3. Nicely written Raghu - irony or choice ?? Product companies are trampling each other to reach 125Cr potential customers !

  4. By the way, Raghu I'm thinking of changing my glasses. Should I go for more trendy ones or contact lenses or lasik surgery. What do you suggest? Ha ha, you nailed it man... :)

  5. Hmm .. interesting and thought provoking article.


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