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Knock Knock… I am Back!

Hello Coffee, Smokes and Laughs lovers!

Been really long time I stopped by this blog and posted few ideas, opinions and beliefs. My sincere apologies to all my readers for disappearing from this interesting space for a long time, but let me tell you friends, I was surrounded by few exciting things in life that kept me away from this blog for a while.

On the flipside, I believe that too many posts would make my readers get bored of this blog, as it becomes more mechanical in writing and engaging. Sounds a typical dotcom business rite? So, keeping these views in mind, I took a pause from writing.

Anyway, now talking about those interesting things, I’ve found a new love of my life. The new found love is the baby boy that my wife and I have been blessed with. The new born baby made me realize that I’ve become old enough to stop my ways of living and make it a better and meaningful life.

                                       (Image Courtesy: Google Images) 

Also, the little kid made me spot few grey hair strands which definitely makes all the good looking women know that I can no more be in the race of wooing them. Sob, sob! Jokes apart, the baby boy made my life so interesting that I am keenly looking forward to give the best possible comfortable life and do all those things which he aspires for. In a nut-shell, ensure his tomorrow is rightly protected.  

There are a bunch of people and situations to be thanked with respect to this new addition, firstly to my wife – who had the best experience of carrying the baby for 9 long months. The baby has been a lucky mascot for my life and also is the significant entrant into our lives. I really would have to thank my parents – who felt that I should get married and should experience the other side of the challenges, with a simple smile :) 

My special bunch of thanks to my company and bosses, who have given me a break from my work to enjoy these moments and also for covering the medical expenses :):):) Isn't is a big deal guys!!!

Well, let’s talk about myself sometime later. I am not a celebrity to talk lots about me. Also, during this break from this blog I learnt a lot about certain things that allowed me look things with more maturity. Met few old friends, spend some good quality time with them; talked lots about who, where and when?

Overall, this year has been very good friend of mine so far as it has really given me few opportunities to celebrate and cherish life forever. At the same time, as always, life has been a bitch. Heard little unpleasant news that disturbed me a lot and also helped me grow stronger than what I was.

Anyway, as they say, life is all full of memories and experiences; I stop here to come up with more interesting and exciting experiences and stories. Ahem! The teaser for now would be my “Bullet ride to Visakhapatnam” in the month of November. Will try to post another interesting story before this.

Happy reading! :):):)


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