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The Paradoxical Thought - Wife and Weekend

Hey folks! Long time it has really been and as always started off with this stereotype line. Ahem! I disconnected myself with this blog for quite a while, because I been busy watching my kid do the baby steps, trying his hard to utter few words and what else, trying to write few extremely personal milestones that I have set for myself. Lastly, trying to be a good husband!

Truly guys, this is even complex than cracking a toughest Sudoku or aligning Rubik’s Cube. On a funny note, these are little easy for those who have strong foundation in permutations and combinations.

Meeting your old friends over a drink or two and talk all nostalgia is something we enjoy, and oftentimes (mostly refers to Saturday nights), we would want to escape from the worldly commitments for this.

                                                              (Image Courtesy: Google Images)
This is the time that truly pulls out the chivalrous man in you, buy some chocolates for your woman, woo her with some ‘priceless’ goodies. Did I mean it super cheap gifts, Errr…..a goodie irrespective of size or price band, that explains my love. (For the Saturday friends’ timeJ). Guess time I think I should say, “Honey!!! I love you so much” in case you are reading this and trying to wear your gauntlet.

I have read several times that doing little things with extreme care for your loved ones will always make your lady happy, strangely, it most of the times backfired in my case. I see my wife guessing almost every time to the bull’s eye.

And that’s not the end at all, rather a beginning with a sweet question, “So, Honey! What’s the plan tonight?” comes a question in a beautiful voice with a dash of romance clubbed with a ting of husk in the voice. Voila!!! I am done. I like a school kid end up telling her, about a friend’s call that evening.

With this anticipated answer, a Sherlock Holmes smile in her eyes and Cat woman sorts of energy brims up to exponential levels. As an immediate effect my logics become lacklustre and thinking abilities become terrible disabilities.

The beauty of this entire episode is that, a perfect combination of emotion and innovation are evidently experienced with million questions like, “I know you always do this”, and “I am a fool to expect you to stay with me tonight” etc. apart from the most powerful weapon called tears.  

On a funny note, the lines may be right, but who has the courage to bell the cat. Anyway, on a serious note, I actually love my wife for the way she handles such situations and yet allows me to go out on Saturday nights for the simple reason; I neither abuse the opportunities, nor the drinks.

Note:  Driving car, woman and life under the influence of alcohol will result in some serious damages.


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