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Two States - A Denting Thought for Mulkies

While many are in celebrations, my mind is dented badly with wounded thoughts. Sounds a pathos line beginning in the blog that claims to give little fun in reading? Yes friends, I tried my best to get over it, however, the current developments are immensely painful.
The new states formation (Andhra & Telangana) has put me in a state of dented thoughts, when I rewind all the things I did since the time I was young. The streets I roamed, the number plates on the bikes and cars I drove, the cell phone tariffs, the malls and theatres and many other belonged to  Andhra Pradesh as a whole.

Our proud, historic and nostalgic places etc. all have few interesting stories to share in my life on personal note. Today, these stories have taken an ugly turn and this makes me more hurt as I should refer that “When it was Andhra Pradesh”.

It’s so very weird to think about few things in life that are going to be like, telling the stories to my kid that Hyderabad and other part of Telugu were once called Andhra Pradesh and we are currently living in Telangana.
Come to think of it, I should send my kid to another state during his vacations to meet his grandparents. The thought is not just weird, but is saddening too. Now, this is even more agonizing to know that the next bike or car I buy should bear the number plates starting with TS – Telangana.

This could be one of the terrible encounters for someone who believes being united was always good and especially for those who have lived in Hyderabad while it was the state capital of Andhra Pradesh.

                                                        (Image Courtesy: Google Images)
The times I spent nearby Tank Bund, RTC “X” Roads areas, the moments I had and the stories I cherish have all toppled so badly that all have become the memories of the Telangana land. On this note, I am never against the Telangana folks or their interests, but I have my firm footing and against on state separation.

At this juncture, as a common man, I have a simple formula that I grew up with which was, “Together we grow”. But this state separation bemuses me as I fail to understand how someone can grow strong by forming a new state.
Just that someone says, we get new projects, grants and industries etc. I do not accept it, because we all know how honest our netas are and their urge for money. On the flip side, the new states formation also worries on my child life, as there are plenty of new challenges that are going to arise and for no reason the young little kids are going to experience.

Simple, Rome is not built in a day. May be any of the development initiatives started will need some time to stabilize, sustain and succeed, which in few cases might happen when my kid is old enough to experience worldly challenges. I would not be too surprised some much needed areas like better quality education, jobs and good infrastructure will still have its own challenges even my son retires.

Truly, I feel ashamed for living in this country and worried for my son as this is not something they have to experience. With these insipid projects, progress, down trodden development or facilities can I expect my son to be a potential man for handling future challenges? I really doubt.

 Anyway, with mixed feelings of sadness and disappointment, I welcome the new change and gear up to tell my son few interesting stories with the line, when Hyderabad was Andhra Pradesh capital. Out of curiosity, next is what? Telangana from India? Who is ready? Bangladesh or Pakistan?


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