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Good Friends are Like Rare Pearl Shells. Never Know When You’ll Find Them.

Hello Coffee, Smokes and Laughs lovers. Now, this has been really long time I wrote something on this blog. Not that I am busy or handling too many pressures, but honestly friends I did not want to write just for few page visits. Moreover, I am averse to the idea of writing simply for the heck of writing.

It has been a solid 6 months I have shared my last post. So what I have been doing these 6 months is truly very interesting. I have been learning some interesting aspects of writing, visualizing things around and exercise them into words.

Ahem! Not to forget, I have been working too during these 6 months with a little more work load that often makes me think when I will work on something that is actually sensible and rational. Need I say more about the how few irrational activities happen at work?

So friends, with this entire roller coaster ride at work and life, I happened to reinvent my mind once again with lots of fun, energized activeness and what more, with lots of peace as well. All of us want these but most of us fail to discover. May be I was also loitering around these for quite some time or was unable to discover that this is what I wanted. Either ways, I don’t care, for the obvious reason that time has been more interesting.

Truly guys, a colleague turned friend has so very deftly helped me explore my energies once again. Do not know whether this is was a conscious effort or things just fell place, but whatever it is, I could see myself in little more serene space in life.

I am confident that in these busy times and with suffocating commitments, finding people who can help you relieve from your pressures is truly a gift that each one of us look for. This colleague’s electrifying energy, his magnetic friendship and above all his care and concern for people around is must-to-cultivate. I am happy to share I could see all these and conclude that Good People are Still Not Rarity.  

Several get-togethers with him around have always been greatest times for each of us.  This doesn’t mean we were drinking every day, although we did few times, the get togethers more were about discovering more possibilities to laugh our guts out. For last 6 months, the coffee breaks, the lunch breaks and also the smoke breaks have been more vibrant unlike the usual stress ventilating platforms.

I somewhere read, winning people is all about understanding people and this man surely knows how to love and win love from people. Definitely, he would be missed in the group and all of us will miss his presence. Also, I am sure, for the longest possible time, we would be recollecting his witty talks and the jokes. Above all, his absence would be an irreplaceable gap.

Although it is great to know about his separation considering his career advancement, it is going to be a little glitch to know that a good spirited friend is not going to be around from tomorrow onwards.

Once again, my firm belief that people enter and exit our lives not for the reason they are forced to, but for reminding us to share the memories of good times, has been proved right and what else could I ask for? That’s why; I assert that good friends are like rare pearl shells, you’ll never know when you will find them. All you need to do it is, just tread the water called time.


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