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The Memoirs of Purani Jeans

The love for the old jeans is the best thing one can never miss in their life. Yes friends, every almirah will have a purani Jeans (old Jeans) albeit some may be of no good fit anymore. Damn the Mayonnaise and Cheese burst junk that we end up binging on.

Especially, if you are Hyderabadi the culprit for killing the happiness of wearing your old Jeans is the yummy Biryani. Kya Karen yaaron… Yeh biryani… mashallah… duniya ki aakhri cheez hai.

Truly, it brings back so many memories in our lives. Well did I say memories? My day usually begins with a late wake up and sprint around the house to finish my chores and frisk like a cop for picking up my stuff.
During this entire frisk, I often put my fingers on my old jeans only with a hope that someday or other, I will regain my shape and come back into those old pair of jeans. Well, to be honest over the years I think I must have grown up like an amoeba. Hate my lifestyle and my food habits.
Every time I look at my old jeans, the memories surrounding it are absolutely glorious and the delight is nothing short of the experience of a  first girlfriend or a first kiss. Now this reminds me of ne of the smallest sizes compared to now, has tremendous memories scribbled on it.
The phone numbers of my ex-girlfriends, half girl-friends,  tic-tac-toes and few other quotes and quotations, the adjectives depicting the mood and energy etc. were all still on the Jeans. It was absolutely an emotional high coming across the Jeans.

I am sure this could have been a similar to many of you, especially those belonging to the late 90s and mid 2000’s, as this was the time where people spent their energies on speaking in person with others around and communicated over the phones to share messages, unlike now.
The moment I took that Jeans in my hands, friends, must say the tears rolled down my eyes only for making my life so different. With pinstripes, crisp formals, laptops around, life has actually forgotten to move ahead. Truly, life has become so different that even the Jeans I wear now is all those mundane colours and fit.

In the younger days, we are always told that with education comes the wisdom to do things carefully and take decisions wisely. But I beg to differ at this point because with education I only find each one of us run for money and more money. Where have all the friends gone and where are all the streets that we roamed with pride and zest?
To top it, the pristine gatherings have met it expiry and the innocuous relationships have culminated into motive oriented. Not that I have been alienated from the social groups, but friends, I truly feel that life has become like the old Jeans which can neither fit now, nor can be can be thrown out for occupying more space.

By the way, the old Jeans I found was also one of the special memories as it was the one it took me on my first date, the first entry into a club, the first night outs we spent at our friends place. With so many firsts in life, it grew along with me, only to make me realize that I am not actually living the life rather leading life.
So numerous memoirs viz. running for our friends who were getting beaten up by other fellas, making time to hang out with your ‘love of your life’, all guy friends catching up in the nights over drinks and card games in the name of combined studies, and yes I still did not forget discovering all probabilities to find some money for taking your girl out for a club or disco etc. have all been treasured and reminisced.  

With little means to manage all the above mentioned often times and coupled with best jugaad 
skills (innovative fixes) several ‘impossibilities’ have been sorted out only with a hope that one day we will be self-sufficient to spend our monies on all our interests.

Thankfully, today many of us are in this self-sufficient state, yet, we still are unable to club whenever we want to and spend the much adequate time for ‘ourselves’. Even in any remote case, a little time is taken out for a dinner or lunch, the time in between is all spent with the gadgets and thoughts pondering on ‘which school should the kids be sent?’ and ‘when should they begin their IIT coaching?’

I am keenly looking forward the day I begin wearing not just my old jeans but also the wear those peaceful smiles and thoughts on mind.
God bless the planet!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you made me think of my old jeans...which is still in my wardrobe...(though torn)...loved it


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