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Love Your EMIs – They will Love You Back

A little over a year it has been I spent some time on this blog. Not that I was exhausted with thoughts and ideas to share, but honestly, couldn’t come across anything that is brilliant to share, at least that could meet my satisfaction scores.

Of late, I discovered some interesting point about paying my EMIs. So many times I thought for more how many years I would be paying for someone whom I do not at all. But over the years, I think discovered a new dimension to it.

The process of working, earning and saving a bit for spending on holidays or something else reminds me of a card game, where the pack of cards changes its sequence after each round of game. Finally, how you plan and visualize the game differs completely from the way it ends.

In the same way, the priorities have changed its sequence each time making me realize of something else that becomes more important at that point of time. Many times I deferred buying something for myself or spend an evening in the club or at gaming like most of my friends. Even when people asked me join them I had to politely turn it down foreseeing the expenses, which I felt could be spent on something purposeful. All these disappointed a bit.

The dates in the calendar were sandwiched between office-home-paediatric consultations. At one point of time, I actually felt I was merely an ATM and all my money is being pulled by people around me. Dad, how did you handle these? Parents are amazing people man!

Now when I think about this gap between such desires and realty, I feel fortunate to have experienced compromises at every stage. Let me explain you why! The recent drug bust case in Hyderabad has made me understand things from a different perspective. Most of the peddlers, consumers and people involved in the supply chain are in the age range of 22 – 34 years.

This is the real prime time to experience the happiness in the career progress and any unacceptable involvements may strain their professional career, identities in the society and not to forget, the family relations too.

When the channels started airing news on this menace, I realized that being a middle class boy was definitely one of the reasons for not even thinking on these. More importantly, during my growing up years, we were not even aware of these things. Thanks to my conservative living methods and upbringing.

Not that I am vulnerable, but then, the priorities I had in my life have never allowed me to indulge in anything that was not needed. I clearly remember my dad articulating all the expenses that we had for the month, the monetary sources and prioritizing expenses accordingly. Again, it wasn’t a financially troublesome life I led, but was told only as a measure for saving the pennies for a rainy day.

Honestly, I never liked my dad telling me the expenditure list to me, yet, he never refrained from doing it because he was clear that we kids should how much was needed for the house to run. A typical middle class family, we are!

Many times, my demands for a DVD Player or iPods were easily rejected on the “Need, Want and Desire” scale. While, it was painful to receive his pronouncement, now I feel it is all the worth (Will let you know why) to be rejected.

I do not know whether my dad would’ve bought one for me if I pressurized him, but surely, I wouldn’t have learned the value of adhering to the elders’ thoughts and opinions and value of money. Not just this, fulfilling all my interests may conclude that Dad is easy in giving money for everything. Interestingly, eight out of ten things I asked were not accepted and now if I track back all those were actually worthless, hopeless and senseless.

I believe saying NO to what kids ask, talking to them about the family priorities and financials will definitely help the children to realize where they are heading to. This further helps them in identifying right set of people as their friends. Simply, birds of same feathers flock together. Right!

Therefore, indulging in manageable level EMIs is always the best method for us to stay away from all possible habits that the world does not appreciate. EMIs are not just to pay off your debts easily in small amounts, but also to keep you grounded, focussed and planned.

Lastly, love your EMIs it loves you back with responsibilities and commitments J

God bless the planet!

(Image Courtesy: Google Images)


  1. Ok... I totally agree with you brother. Let's try to break the life of EMIs looping around us... In the meanwhile, have a happy EMIs time... :)


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