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Digital Robbery – The New Age Information Steal at Work Place

Every morning, when we flip through the newspaper pages we come across several news posts that cover burglars robbing off homes, cars, people and many more. We read those news posts with much interest as if it were some gospel that gives some mental peace. 

But again, the other important factors like cell phone bills, electricity bills, grocery bills etc. remind us that we are already late to the work and would have to hurry like a soldier in a war-front to save some loss of pay in salary, in the event of being late at work.

Anyway, speaking about news posts like these, I remember the days when I was a kid, bunch of my uncles and aunts used to sip their piping hot coffees and speak volumes about how burglary has become so very rampant and easy thing.

Trust me friends, I used find it so very interesting, the crux of the conversation used to push me to a conclusion that “Is that it? Is it so easy to steal or rob things from people? “Nonetheless, I thank God for not allowing me to sustain such ideas for a prolonged time, else I would have been one of such persons and my photograph would have been in the placeholders of public places.

Well, now my dear readers don’t think that I would have been best suited for this job, I really am unfit for this job which I found it in the later years. Anyway, enough cracking jokes on myself, as years moved faster in the calendar, I came across other news posts robbers robbing the travelers, breaking into banks and chain snatching so on and so forth.

However, these kinds of thefts are still prevalent in the society and one has to understand even thieves plot for a crime only when their finances exhaust or due to poverty etc.

In this entire ruckus, I have gladly finished my academic pursuits and joined my passionate job, which is writing (at least I claim so). Now I come across another type of robbery that is snatching the writing efforts. Especially, this identity snatch happens with only those who really perform well (Ahem! Boasting about myself too much rite).

In this digital era, it is more interesting to know the new type of robbery that people are involved in. any guesses you want to take? Well, it is nothing but, stealing the ‘good articles’ of someone else in the online business.

I came across one such personality who often boasts himself as the master of everything, be it SEO, SMO, Content Writing, Analytics, PPC and what not every damn thing man.

If someone is really a pro in all these, it is nothing but the insanity of that person to still continue as an employee. If I were he, I would have opened a company. However, I must admit my opinion at this point that he is truly a master in everything and his mastery lies in stealing someone else’s hard work, credits  and enjoy the actual person’s monetary benefits.

                                  (Image Courtesy: Google Images)

Also, another sickening point is that the person I am referring to, is almost famous for this wrongful deeds as his sole focus is to secure his job and identity and “bhaad mei gaya team and company and client”.

The most disgusting thing about this person is, he coolly steals the articles written by his team members and shamelessly posts it in his blog and mentions the author name as his. And on top of this, during this entire ugly exercise, he does not even bother to tweak the content so as to position it as his own work.

The heights of stupidity in all this nonsensical business is the top management still continues to appreciate for his nicely plotted ideas, which however stolen from someone else. I really am excited to see the day when Google shuts down their business for one day. Probably it would be his actual acid test for his expertise and unrealistic self-admiration.


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