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The Dirty Love – Hyderabad Rains

Whoa!!! This was the expression on my face when I finally experienced the first rains of this monsoon. The monsoon this year had all possible traits that a brawny villain has in the movies. Firstly, the dark clouds that hugged the blue sky so tightly, I literally felt it were somewhere around 2.00 am while it was already 8.30 am.

Man, I cozily dunked myself in the quilts and was lost in few good dreams and suddenly I hear a thunderous noise, which was my cell phone alarm. I cursed myself for promptly setting up the alarm for obvious reasons; the nasty gadget stole few hours of my good sleep.

I soon realized that another chaotic week is yet to begin and I should be prepared to handle all the noise from all possible corners. With this heavy thought in mind and lots of sleep in eyes, I stood still and was thinking of my two choices, whether to continue to spoil myself with more sleep or enter the world of nuisance and nonsense. My heart said “Dude, get some sleep” but my impeding bills did not allow me though.  Life is a bitch. Isn’t it?

Anyway, I regretfully pushed myself to freshnup and walked towards my balcony and yes, that is the moment of end of my life, at least I think. Damn those dark black clouds still hugged the sky and the green leaves that covered the entire viewpoint like an umbrella and water dripping from every leaf, every node. (God! I am almost writing like a poet. Lemme trouble my readers only with writing. Pun intended.)

Honestly, the weather was so badly tempting at the very moment I thought I should call my boss and give him the actual opinion on him so that I can happily stay at home, enjoy the weather by sipping some piping hot coffee and burn some lungs.

However, I managed to welcome myself to reality and in all this dilly dally of thoughts and feelings, I got ready to the office and said to myself, “Here I am, On the Road Again”. (Thanks to Metallica for giving us such a great song. Can be used for almost every context I guess).

                                                     (Image Courtesy: Google Images) 

Interestingly, even after walking down the stairs, the laziness in me was so bloody loyal it didn’t leave me yet. I saw my machine (My Royal Enfield Bullet) giving multiple expressions which seemed like a wicked smile that said “Look you idiot, I will not allow you to pamper yourself with your laziness” and also I felt like it said, “Dude, look at the weather. How could you even think of taking me to your workplace? Show me few good roads in Hyderabad man. “

Anyway, with all this feel good thoughts and opinions, I finally trailed the road that leads to my office. Man! I was really surprised to experience the change in soothing mindset to the teething problems with the traffic. What a quick shift it was? I see sea of vehicles trying to dodge over as many vehicles as possible, try to enter into those little spaces between the vehicles. With a large vacuum for common sense and high degree of insanity, the roads of Hyderabad had welcomed me to ride past the critical obstacles.

The water puddles, the dirt, vehicles mobbing everyone and blocking the narrowed roads and top of it, the erosion of roads due to the myriad projects made me envisage my situation in nothing short of some maze.

With all these bundles of challenges, I reach my office to kill another day, another week. Before I close, I guess this is one more example how weirdly situations can change in a jiffy. Sob, sob.



  1. Yeah, Begumpet Traffic is worst than anything man. A big crane is arranged for some hoarding work, that is causing problem like hell. It look almost 45min from Begumpet Shopper Stop to Minister Road turning. Everyone is soldier to their war against traffic jam..No help or Concern from Govt

  2. Yes sir, the sad part was I was going back home around 11.30- 12.00 am last nite, the traffic was even worse then. It seemed as if it is some 6.30 in the evening.

  3. We Hyderabadis are happy to welcome the monsoons with fewer chances to enjoy it. This is the plight of all those who love rains, but have to watch the water dripping down the glass panes of our large multi-stored buildings.


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