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Iska Number Kab Aayega?

 Hey friends, how you all doing? Guess you had a very bright and safe Diwali this year. Since I used the word ‘year’ it reminds me that 2012 is running on a quick pace to end. We hope the New Year is going to ring in with grand and greatest things. Again, ‘Conditions Apply’ considering Mayan’s projections. For all those, wondering about who these dudes are – these are the guys who made a big news globally that the world will end by December 21st 2012.

Anyway, enough of gyaan and let’s try to do something funny. As usual I began my day with some good dose of caffeine and nicotine and started reading newspaper, like an old sack. No offense intended, but I have a bad habit of reading newspapers column to column (including the Obituaries)  and even if the earth shatters , I guess I end up running away reading the papers.

                                            (Image Courtesy: Google Images)

I’ve come across the nation’s hot topic “Ajmal Kasab Hanged”. I buried my head into the papers with lots of interest, just like an excited kid when he is given his favorite toy. Read every line of it and all through the while, my mind was filled with lots of excitement and a victorious zest.

I happily yapped over it for some time, but then, lost in thoughts again, why did it take so much time for hanging him? May be I am being too complicated, let me put it this way, you come across a snake and what do you do? You either run away or kill the venomous species. But definitely you wouldn’t want to ponder your thought process with “if’s and in case clauses – if it comes to me then I will attack.”

Simply, we know the man, the crime he did and the damage he caused and above all the irreplaceable loss he created to numerous families. Interestingly, this terrorist, who created so much of trouble to the nation was under trail for so many years, feeding him the desi-food (Ghar ka Khana - Remember Pakistan was part of India map - pre-Independence) and enjoying the secured drives and city tours, and finally killing him.

I appreciate and feel proud for executing him, but then why did it had to take so many years and so much of money in all this process? Furthermore, the authorities announce him to be executed today morning, but then to what extent the news is true, is again a food for thought. No one knows whether he was actually executed or died of Dengue fever. He was diagnosed right? Guess we had Karam Chand or Sherlock Holmes here, right now. :( :( :(

Although slightly deviated from the topic and driving back to the original thought - since everything boils down to money and investment consider the 2 damads of the nation – Afzal Guru and Ajmal Kasab. In the accounting terminology we have two important concepts FIFO (First in First Out) and (Last In First Out), which deals with the inventory management.

Interestingly, Afzal Guru, who is a senior in terms of striking India with terror, is still dangling for mercy. The point of consideration is that, if we commit any mistakes in school, we were to be punished as a reminder for not committing such mistakes again.

When a terrorist attacks another country and attempts to destroy the country’s assets, what should be severity of the punishment and how quickly should a decision be taken? Irony is that, if a petty thief breaks into a house we read the stories of stabbing him to death and when it comes to someone who breached the national security, our babus still are busy with “Committees” and “Decisions Subject To….” and other things.

Anyway, like they say, “Daane Daane Pe Khaane Waalon Ka Naam Likkha Hua Reheta”, Afzal Guru, you still have few more bags of rice to eat and fart.

And, friends… please pray for me. I hope I don’t get arrested for sharing these thoughts.

God Bless the Planet!


  1. No, I'll not say that I liked this article. Bcoz I may get arrested as well. No Raghu, I would not say that this article is KEKO KEKA. In fact, I didn't read this article at all. As a matter of fact, I don't know the author of this blog. I don't know how did I end-up on to this blog. LMAO :)

    1. Well, in that case I have to tell you that I few pics clicked with you. I can submit them in case I get arrested and interrogated. TOGETHERNESS is really important. "Phani My Friend." Hilarious comment though :) :) :)


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