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Life is Beautiful

Guess you are doing well? It has really been very long time I shared my thoughts and ideas in this space. I guess I have few good reasons for going off the radar and hibernating for a bit. My new born kid has managed to take my fullest attention and has oftentimes left me with no choice of thoughts and ideas.

Also, this new phase in life has helped me to discover about myself along with few other interesting aspects like what it means to think for future and what best I can give to my son. In this process of pondering over numerous thoughts and ideas, I was simply surprised to know the beautiful aspects of life.
                                        (Image Courtesy: Google Images)

A simple into the kid’s face, despite not looking at me, made me wonder about the beautiful and best things that can happen to a human being. I was speechless, when I took him into my hands for the time, even now, because a tiny little infant is going to live his and my dreams for the rest of our lives. I am little more curious about my life now, primarily, for the happiness, tough times, joyful moments, best pages of life that my son is going to flip through.

Apart from this, my disconnect from this space helped me to meet few good number of people, with whom I interacted (not online) on various topics, have simply stumped me after talking to them. The foremost thing I've begun practicing is Reading. Here, I would have to clarify that it is not book reading, rather it is about the learning the art of reading peoples’ ideas, opinions and beliefs closely and respect them with utmost dignity.

Although, I was never disrespectful towards others feelings and opinions, however, never bothered to take some interest in my fellow people and know what or how they have been. Also, this sabbatical further helped me to be more patient, more hard-working and become more optimistic in my thoughts and beliefs.

Anyway, I know that this article of mine does not tickle your funny bone at all, but then thought it would be a good read for you all, because, life is all about unlearn, learn and relearn. I really am expecting some comments for this article, as each of us would definitely have at least few handful of experiences that had made us more mature and wiser.

Friends, lets share each of those, may be would help us mutually to grow and evolve as better denizens.

God Bless this Planet 


  1. yes raghu.. it is a good read..

    all your recent posts start with possibly 'its been a long time since i have posted', and I also expect every future post of you would start with the same message.

    Its good to see you being busy with your son. have fun Dude..


    1. Hey Satheesh, thanks for the comment. Yeah, of late all my articles are beginning with that sentence, as I am truly going off the radar from this blog. I am soon going to stop that line, because I am badly missing this space.

      Yeah, so far little busy with my kid, meeting him tomorrow after 2 months. Little exciting it is


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