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The Joker’s Life

The funny thing is back again! Wondering what is the funny thing, try guessing folks. Ok, don’t abuse me for trying to strain your brain which we are doing every day for several other reasons. Well, lemme tell you, the funny thing is nothing but the Bharat Bandh. 

Many readers at this point might be thinking that this writer is completely a gone case, (Wish I could be for obvious reasons), but friends, think of the bunch of idiotic issues that are creeping up the society in the name of policies, economic development and stupid minds that comes up with cranky ideas.

Ahem, I guess I am venting out my frustration and spewing big statements like our netas. Lemme try to change my point on a lighter note. 

                                             (Courtesy: Google Images)

Well guys, it really is amusing when the government hikes the price and makes an indirect law that states, “You are a common man, you have 2 choices, buy or die”. The recent hike in petrol is one such gesture that has proven once again that common man is almost like a commonly available consumer good that requires not much of attention. A good when perishes is thrown away without wasting a second. It is for us to buy the petrol or buy the petrol and make your ends meet.

More interestingly, be the petrol hike or FMCG goods hike or rise in movie tickets, it is always that the media channels become the big daddies that show concern towards the middle class, of course for their personal motive which is increase in TRP.

Tape few worries and prepare some polls and ask them to send an SMS, how weirdly cheap stunt man! So many people getting entertained by making these common junta a joke and not the least, the funny man in this entire episode emotes strong emotions that are as strong as Raj Kapoor or Al Pachino.

Now the big guys of the society watch all this drama sitting in the cool AC rooms, slurping their drinks. What an interesting drama? It often makes me vouch the point, that India is a Land of Colors. So many colors and so many shades and every politician is a pro in painting funny colors on the face of Indian denizens.

Funnily, like Republic Day or Independence Day, even the citizens of India are given a special day to announce a Bharat Bandh in order to express their worries against the soaring prices. The joke is that the government says that a day is gone for people to express their unpleasantness, while the bandh callers are satisfied that we managed to shut down all the markets. So who is caring about the actual cause?  Overall, the viewpoint changes in such a way that, thank god, we’ve got a holiday, lets plan for a getaway trip.

In all this hubub, to what extent these bandhs make a resonating feel to the top brass is a question that has to be answered by those are not in a state to answer. Pull out all the politicians, entrepreneurs, babas, demigods  and other money minting people and square their unlawful money, I am sure every person in this country would be able to afford a decent place to live, buy a two wheeler and may be the prices can be brought down massively.

Anyways, I guess I still managed to give some good fun with my closing thought, ‘coz this is obvious that the day is nowhere near for at least few hundreds of years. We are here to make life happy and make others live happy. So, let us compromise on our happy lives and give the rich clout a happy and luxury life.


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