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Newspapers or Noisepapers ?

Come to think of it, the so called jargons like “ground-breaking”, “sensational”, “the latest trend” and many more are being used by one of the nation’s supposedly, the biggest newspaper company. Well, I am actually in an unknown state-of-mind and let’s sort it out with a simple word called “surprised”.

Yes, surprised because, the core objective of a newspaper is to write the news that not just makes people aware of what is happening around them, but also educate them with the right message and right news, that makes one a productive individual.

There is recently an advertisement running in the Idiot Box (for obvious reasons!) and it goes like a surveyor asks a bunch of youngsters on elementary level general knowledge questions and these youngsters, who boast themselves are sophisticated, urban and highly intellectual people begin to fumble. The ad finally ends up with a suffocating question, “Which newspaper do you read?”

Although, it might just be a commercial for a few seconds, yet the ad is victorious to be the top of ones recall. I guess I am also using the right jargon like my predecessors. Anyway, the point is neither the victimized newspaper nor the other newspaper company, that had conducted the survey seem to be on the national development ladder.

The effort purely seems to be a sweating out exercise to combat with each other and scream, We Are The Best!” (Like the way SRK screamed in few of his movies, pun intended). Agreed, in these times of stiff competition and also due to the penetration of internet, the newspaper sector is in a facing its hardships in widening their market size.

But it does definitely not mean that one can write some weird, silly stories like a “software engineer elopes with a cabbie” or “Neil Nitin Mukesh’s Bedroom Secret” and above that post these stories in the headlines of the news. Man! I seriously think it is the death of newspaper agency. May sound little too harsh, but I guess I am in no mood to read these news articles. Also, I am pretty sure that, not many sensible takers for news posts like these.

Being in the extremely responsible position of a news making, what is the end user’s benefit from the article? Looks like it only a simple an effort to increase their epaper traffic and show up sky rocketing graphs to their analytics, eventually leading to more online ads. Sounds a cool business, for those who claim that we are senseless news writers, but for someone who claim to be the nation’s oldest newspaper, doesn’t suit well. May be if there are any Marketing, Sales, Strategy, Analytics people thinking to make a difference, the hour is just round the corner to pull up the sleeves for appropriate initiatives.


  1. very true, neither the boasting publisher nor the victimized publisher are holding the ladders of improving the nation... there are no fools out there to trust these kind of cheap marketing tricks... good article ananth... nice...!

    1. Hey thanks a ton Phani, was going thru articles in one of the papers, was tired reading and hence penned up my thoughts for immediate check.

  2. Nice story...Yes, with media becoming a branch of commerce, Journalism is definitely being taken for a toss. I am still happy to note that the newspaper on which you took on still maintains balance in news (though it has its own marketing wing that tries to take newspaper into the market). That's actually not needed since serious newspaper readers still exist in our country...Unfortunately, people are more used to and attracted to jargons (that are not quoted by you) like sexy, sizzling hot that are used by so called largest selling was same newspaper--that you pinpointed at--played a pivotal role in the Indian freedom struggle...the jargons didn't change, the balance didn't fade... and that's the reason why it didn't choose pushy ways of altering language/jargons/journalistic ethics/ while promoting...Long live The Hindu!

    Phanindra B.


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