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Scorching Summers and Screeching Vehicles

(Image Courtesy: Google Images)

The year 2012 began with good surprises that always kept my smile widening. News by news I’ve begun to enjoy these bundles of joy with pleasant weather along with my coffee and smokes. Slowly the times began to change as the dates the in calendar ran at the pace that is almost on par with Michael Johnson, presently the retired sprinter.

I have been following the same old route to my office (a stereotype guy!) which was pretty pleasant ride with an exciting combination of cool breeze and warm summers. In all this cozy and comfortable weather along with my best riding memoirs, the peace and tranquility was abundant in life.

Like in movies, here comes the villain of my life (for several others as well) the summer, the entry of this summer is definitely nothing short of a gory villain in our ‘mana’ movies. The devilish smile of this summer has already put many of us in acute problems and when it comes to me, I believe I am seeing only the soaring temperatures and red hot roads.

This lethal combination is truly undone if we don’t talk about the seamless traffic jams in the city of Nizams. I really don’t understand why these roads are always filled with vehicles and I am sure, someone planning to buy a vehicle can just stand on the road and decide which one to buy. The variety and variants of these brands are so exhaustive that one can find almost every brand on the road.

Anyway, these brands and variants may not be much of concern, but what concerns me the most, the sadly squeezed roads with tens and thousands of vehicles and on top of it, every vehicle owner’s right to honk of unknown reasons pisses me off to the greatest extent. I guess if earth were able to talk, it would have screamed, “Ab Bas Saalo, Aur Kitne Gaadiyan Lekar Aavogey!”

There were times, I almost thought of telling them when to honk and when not to, but then, I had to calm down myself because, Yeh cinema nahi hai bhayya! Where our super heroes come onto the road and give some gyaan and people show up the required change.

But whatever it is, the super summers, sweating out weather conditions, sea of vehicles and senseless civic sense is truly a deadly combination in these soaring temperatures.

Well, I do not want to talk rather cannot talk about riding behaviors in Hyderabad, coz the topic itself is nothing short of a hard bound text book. So let us talk something that is realistic.

God Bless Hyderabad!


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