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Not in Formal Attire? You Are an Unfit

(Image Courtesy: Google)

It often surprises me when an employer or the management says, “We want our employees to walk to the office in perfect corporate formals”. My biggest question is, Should companies focus more on the deadlines and deliverables coupled with the quality and precision or should focus on employees dress etiquette?

My million dollar doubt is, why should there be a dress code, although, agreed my argument is not that companies should allow people walk naked in their offices, of course no one will. But they can allow their human capital in casuals or semi-casuals. 

Technically, it is the not the headache of the client to know and understand in which attire the billable accounts are turning up, rather his sole priority would be to keep a track on his timeliness that adheres to his deadlines. 

Also, my another biggest point is, as Raymond punch line says “ the complete man”, does wearing a formal makes an individual a perfect cut-out for a job or is it a mirror image for his conceptual prowess? And above all, how on earth should formal be a mandatory concern for companies?

Understanding the nature of work, meet and exceed the client’s expectations and winning accolades are rather more important objectives for any employee or for that matter any organization. Talking about these points, how these are high lightened by other unimportant (at least for me) factors like employees should wear formals; wear a watch to their right hand and so on.

I may sound too harsh in my explaining my thoughts and ideas but when we think of the actual facts, there are several theories and statistics that emphasize that casual attire at work results in more productive and prosperous results, as psychologically, people are more innovative, result-oriented when they are not controlled by these silly rules. Also, the success rate for maintaining the interpersonal relations are skyrocketing compared to the latter’s case.

Take companies like Google, Facebook and Amazon and identify why they have been so successful than their close competitors. Keep their sturdy business plans aside; consider their scope and opportunity for their innovation and inclination for new ideas.

Overall, primary and the last focus of a company has to be growth and prosperity than to pressurize its employees to wear formals or walk in wearing a three piece suit.


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