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Showing posts from 2012

Rape Women, Rape Legal System--- Incredible India!

Hey readers! Hope you all doing good and preparing well for your New Year Party plans. Anyway, coming back onto this space after a little long sabbatical only to spend some quality thoughts and ideas, I believe the time has come that the worries of the denizens are resonating at a supersonic decibel. Today, after a really long time, I believe I am writing really something that is not just voicing few painful worries of our “Incredible India” rather I am sure that I am writing an article that speaks tens and thousands of our critical worries.                                          (Image Courtesy: Google Images) I really do not know whether I am writing the insipid security standards of ours due to the outrageous agony or under the influence of the drinks and conversations I had, but whatever, I truly believe that Indian Legal System needs a complete overhaul. Yes folks, I believe each one us has to feel ashamed of ourselves for making our leaders so lazy and se

Wikipedia… What Have You Done? --- The Sequel.

Hey friends, trying to bounce back onto this space as early as possible. Anyway, you guys must’ve understood by now that I am making my best of keeping up my promise. Now, you guys thinking what my promise was? Hahaha….. Weak memories, let me remind you, my promise was to drop by this space as frequently as possible and be in touch with you all lovely people. Well, a really close cousin of mine, who believes that my earlier article was truly one of his best reads and ever since he has been asking for a sequel. Of course, he has an objective. He was one of the guys who was shocked after learning about this girl’s unruly demands.                                          (Image Courtesy: Google Images) These demands were so terrible, trust me guys, were so harrowing. It reminded me of Shane Warne situation when Sachin Tendulkar smashed the spin master with his bat during India Vs Australia seri

Iska Number Kab Aayega?

 Hey friends, how you all doing? Guess you had a very bright and safe Diwali this year. Since I used the word ‘year’ it reminds me that 2012 is running on a quick pace to end. We hope the New Year is going to ring in with grand and greatest things. Again, ‘Conditions Apply’ considering Mayan’s projections. For all those, wondering about who these dudes are – these are the guys who made a big news globally that the world will end by December 21 st 2012. Anyway, enough of gyaan and let’s try to do something funny. As usual I began my day with some good dose of caffeine and nicotine and started reading newspaper, like an old sack. No offense intended, but I have a bad habit of reading newspapers column to column  (including the Obituaries)    and even if the earth shatters , I guess I end up running away reading the papers.                                             (Image Courtesy: Google Images) I’ve come across the nation’s hot topic “Ajmal Kasab Hanged”. I buried my

Life is Beautiful

Guess you are doing well? It has really been very long time I shared my thoughts and ideas in this space. I guess I have few good reasons for going off the radar and hibernating for a bit. My new born kid has managed to take my fullest attention and has oftentimes left me with no choice of thoughts and ideas. Also, this new phase in life has helped me to discover about myself along with few other interesting aspects like what it means to think for future and what best I can give to my son. In this process of pondering over numerous thoughts and ideas, I was simply surprised to know the beautiful aspects of life.                                         (Image Courtesy: Google Images) A simple into the kid’s face, despite not looking at me, made me wonder about the beautiful and best things that can happen to a human being. I was speechless, when I took him into my hands for the time, even now, because a tiny little infant is going to live his and my dreams for the rest o

Knock Knock… I am Back!

Hello Coffee, Smokes and Laughs lovers! Been really long time I stopped by this blog and posted few ideas, opinions and beliefs. My sincere apologies to all my readers for disappearing from this interesting space for a long time, but let me tell you friends, I was surrounded by few exciting things in life that kept me away from this blog for a while. On the flipside, I believe that too many posts would make my readers get bored of this blog, as it becomes more mechanical in writing and engaging. Sounds a typical dotcom business rite? So, keeping these views in mind, I took a pause from writing. Anyway, now talking about those interesting things, I’ve found a new love of my life. The new found love is the baby boy that my wife and I have been blessed with. The new born baby made me realize that I’ve become old enough to stop my ways of living and make it a better and meaningful life.                                        (Image Courtesy: Google Images)  Also,

P.S. – I Love You

Hello to all the lovers of Coffee, Smokes and Laughs. I guess with this pleasantry, I’ve greeted almost every reader of this blog. I am sure there wouldn’t be a single soul who wouldn’t like any of these or all of these. (Referring to my blog title) In the recent times, I am counting days – nah! Guys I am not on any death bed, rather a new addition into my family is expected in the month of September. The time is truly a reason celebrate and cherish as this is the best time for an individual, at least for men.                                                       (Image Courtesy: Google Images) Men have limited experiences folks. Women have all the best memories right from conceiving and carrying the tiny little ones in their womb. I am truly jealous when my wife tells me that she can feel the baby kicks. My god! It must be just an AWESOME FEELING .  Of late, the feeling has become more cherished when I too felt the baby kicks while I kept my hands on the t

The Dirty Love – Hyderabad Rains

Whoa!!! This was the expression on my face when I finally experienced the first rains of this monsoon. The monsoon this year had all possible traits that a brawny villain has in the movies. Firstly, the dark clouds that hugged the blue sky so tightly, I literally felt it were somewhere around 2.00 am while it was already 8.30 am. Man, I cozily dunked myself in the quilts and was lost in few good dreams and suddenly I hear a thunderous noise, which was my cell phone alarm. I cursed myself for promptly setting up the alarm for obvious reasons; the nasty gadget stole few hours of my good sleep. I soon realized that another chaotic week is yet to begin and I should be prepared to handle all the noise from all possible corners. With this heavy thought in mind and lots of sleep in eyes, I stood still and was thinking of my two choices, whether to continue to spoil myself with more sleep or enter the world of nuisance and nonsense. My heart said “Dude, get some sleep” but my impe

Digital Robbery – The New Age Information Steal at Work Place

Every morning, when we flip through the newspaper pages we come across several news posts that cover burglars robbing off homes, cars, people and many more. We read those news posts with much interest as if it were some gospel that gives some mental peace.  But again, the other important factors like cell phone bills, electricity bills, grocery bills etc. remind us that we are already late to the work and would have to hurry like a soldier in a war-front to save some loss of pay in salary, in the event of being late at work. Anyway, speaking about news posts like these, I remember the days when I was a kid, bunch of my uncles and aunts used to sip their piping hot coffees and speak volumes about how burglary has become so very rampant and easy thing. Trust me friends, I used find it so very interesting, the crux of the conversation used to push me to a conclusion that “Is that it? Is it so easy to steal or rob things from people? “Nonetheless, I thank God for not allowin

The Joker’s Life

The funny thing is back again! Wondering what is the funny thing, try guessing folks. Ok, don’t abuse me for trying to strain your brain which we are doing every day for several other reasons. Well, lemme tell you, the funny thing is nothing but the Bharat Bandh.  Many readers at this point might be thinking that this writer is completely a gone case, (Wish I could be for obvious reasons), but friends, think of the bunch of idiotic issues that are creeping up the society in the name of policies, economic development and stupid minds that comes up with cranky ideas. Ahem, I guess I am venting out my frustration and spewing big statements like our netas. Lemme try to change my point on a lighter note.                                               (Courtesy: Google Images) Well guys, it really is amusing when the government hikes the price and makes an indirect law that states, “You are a common man, you have 2 choices, buy or die”. The recent hike in petrol is

Cellphone Forensics

                                                    (Image Courtesy: Google Images) Cellphone forensics, a sub-division of digital forensics, relates to recovery of digital evidence or data from a cellular phone device as per forensically best conditions. The cellphone forensic study is surging magnanimously and especially in the United States the need for cellphone forensics is being widely accepted due to unparalleled levels of connectivity.  Certain survey reports state that about two-thirds of the populace communicates through cellular phones. In this speed of light age, this is truly a victorious piece of statistical information to know the increasing number of cellphone users. Also, it is an easily arrived logic that the information transmitted through cell phones transmits few bytes of information. Interestingly, the packets of information that is transmitted from one cellphone to another might also contain disputes, litigation etc. In this blink of an

Robin Gibb – Stayin Alive

It is really heart-rending to know to the death of Robin Gibb, the lead man in the cult music band “Bee Gees”.  It is undeniably a fact that every living being in this planet at some or other point of time must have grooved to the chartbusters like “Staying Alive”, "Oh! Darling", thanks to the legends of music for giving us some real quality music. We believe that this is the best inheritance we can expect to our present generations and also our future generations. It is indeed so very grief-stricken moment to learn about the demise of such an eternal musician and all through the years I have been one of the greatest fans, enjoying the numbers like “How Old Are You?” Ironically, the last time when I heard this song, considered it as one of the best songs from the band, but now it forces me to think of the number of years that are left for me, going forward? Man! You have certainly cheated us by leaving us so very soon. The addictive voice and the magical fingers th

Bang Bang!!!

                                            ( Image Courtesy: Google Images ) Hey friends! Really long sabbatical from Coffee, Smokes and Laughs. In fact, I am still wondering how I could keep this writing space empty for so long, as the name of the blog is so closely attached to my life. Yes friends, I burn my lungs few good number of times every day, drink at least one cuppa coffee and try to lose my weight by laughing few good number of times. Yet, I am little away from this good titled blog. (Thanks to myself for coming up with such a rejuvenating name). Anyway, lemme come out of this self-appreciation and pen up few points of what I have been doing of late. Yes, gotcha! I’ve been little busy with few good things in life like doing some really interesting work (Positive Thinking, Huh!), riding my bullet few extra miles and enjoying the kick (those extra miles are must, and don’t have a choice either), and what else, I bought a new car friends! Well, before you shar